Additional COVID-19-related resources now available in enableHR

30 March 2020

Many of you are in the middle of making difficult and heart-breaking decisions about the future of your business.
If the situation with COVID-19 is forcing you to temporarily change the working and pay arrangements of staff, initiate a stand down or make staff redundant, we’ve created some resources for you.
We’ve added some new, coronavirus-specific templates to enableHR to help you manage these processes, stay compliant, and help your employees understand what’s happening.
What’s new in enableHR
COVID-19 Temporary Working and Pay Arrangements Agreement – A letter outlining changed working arrangements for an employee, where you need to reduce their days/hours of work and, consequently, their salary, but still wish to retain them as an employee. The employee will need to sign this agreement (either via email or via the enableHR Self Service portal (eSS)). To access this document, you will need to initiate the new checklist titled ‘COVID-19 Temporary Working and Pay Arrangements’ as detailed below.
COVID-19 Temporary Working and Pay Arrangements Checklist – A new checklist designed to guide employers through the process of temporarily adjusting an employee’s working arrangements. This checklist allows for you to issue the above agreement via eSS for electronic signature or via email for manual signature. You can access this new checklist under the ‘Employee Management’ workflows.
COVID-19 Initiation of Stand Down – A letter notifying staff that, due to the impact of the coronavirus, the company is initiating a stand down of employees in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009. It is important to note that only employers of a national system employee have access to utilise the stand down provisions under the Fair Work Act 2009 and as such can rely on this letter. That is, this document will not apply to sole traders and unincorporated businesses in Western Australia who are covered under the State System. It is also important to note that stand down provisions are very limited in their application, and you should seek advice prior to initiating a stand down. To generate this document, select the relevant employee record, navigate to the “Documents” tab and select “Create a new document”.
What’s already in enableHR
Termination by Employer for Genuine Redundancy Checklist – A letter of confirmation of termination of employment due to genuine redundancy. You are prompted to create this letter via the ‘Termination by Employer for Genuine Redundancy’ checklist which can be accessed under the ‘Termination’ workflows.
These resources are available right now, and ready to use.
Don’t forget that we’re here to support you in these uncertain times, so please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.