New Northern Territory restrictions

05 November 2021

The Northern Territory has recorded its first and second community transmission cases of COVID-19, NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced at a late-night press conference on Thursday 4 November 2021. Mr Gunner said the initial case was a man in his 20s who works as a contractor at the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) Base Tindal, outside Katherine. The man was reported to not be vaccinated.
In response, parts of the NT have gone into a “lockdown” or “lockout” effective from 12:01 am, 5 November 2021 for 72 hours. Masks are compulsory outside the home for both “lockdown” and “lockout” regions. Anyone caught breaching CHO directions, including but not limited to wearing a mask, may face a $5,000 fine.
A second case has now emerged following the lockdown, a household contact of the initial case. With nearly a hundred other household, casual and close contacts already identified, there are concerns that this might not be the end of the unknown transmission source.
Lockdown in Katherine
The Municipality of Katherine, including Tindal, has entered into a full “lockdown” for the 72-hour period under the COVID-19 Directions (No. 60) 2021: Directions to close places, activities and services in Katherine.
Residents and are only permitted to leave their homes for any of the following five reasons:
- For medical treatment, including COVID-19 testing or vaccination.
- For essential goods and services, such as groceries and medications.
- For work that is considered essential. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work.
- For one hour of outdoor exercise a day, within five km from your home, with one other person or people from your house.
- To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
Whilst all non-essential businesses, retail outlets, hospitality venues, gyms, pools and community centres are closed, cafes and restaurants are still able to offer take-away and delivery services. Schools and childcare centres will be closed other than for the children of vaccinated essential workers.
Every person must wear a mask when away from their home.
Lockout in Greater Darwin
In contrast to the full “lockdown” in Katherine, the following areas entered into a “lockout” for the 72-hour period under the COVID-19 Directions (No. 61) 2021: Directions to lock out Darwin and surrounding areas of the Territory: the City of Darwin, City of Palmerston, Litchfield Council, Wagait Shire, Belyuen Shire, Dundee, Bynoe, Charlotte and Cox Peninsula.
In these “lockout” areas, fully vaccinated residents can live normally, including visiting the homes of fully vaccinated people, with the exception that they must wear masks outside of their homes.
On the other hand, residents in this region who have only received one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine or who are unvaccinated, are subject to full “lockdown” restrictions within the 72-hour period which mirror those in the Katherine region. As such, these residents may only leave their homes, masked, for generally the following reasons:
- for medical treatment, including COVID-19 testing or vaccination.
- For essential goods and services, such as groceries and medications.
- For work that is considered essential and can’t be performed at home. Only vaccinated essential workers are allowed to leave the area for work (although unvaccinated essential workers can work in Katherine).
- For one hour of outdoor exercise a day, within five kilometres from your home, with one other person or people from your house.
- To provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves.
During the “lockout period”, no one is also able to enter or leave the designated area, except for vaccinated essential workers, a returning resident, or anyone entering/exiting for medical treatment, essential goods or services or to provide care and support to a family member or person who cannot support themselves if that purpose cannot otherwise be achieved without entering/exiting the area.
Schools in Greater Darwin are open to children 16 years and under (as they are treated as fully vaccinated people). Unvaccinated parents cannot enter school grounds or childcare centres but are permitted to drop their child off.
Business and organisations are required to ensure all customers, patrons, visitors, and participants are fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated people can still access essential services such as supermarkets and hospitals and they may also order take away food.
Mr Gunner has indicated that “lockdown” is not ruled out if the circumstances change.
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