Retail employers to review and update casual employee wages

01 October 2020

Retailers should be aware of an increase in evening penalty rates for casual employees, commencing on 1 October 2020.
Employers in the retail sector will be required to review and update casual employee wages from 1 October 2020, as changes to the General Retail Industry Award 2010 increase the loading paid to casual employees for evening work, Monday to Friday, to a loading of 45 per cent, inclusive of casual loading, from the current loading of 40 per cent. Additionally, the Award specifies that the new rates come into effect from 1 October 2020, and not the first full pay period following.
This update to casual wages also serves as a timely reminder of the need to regularly review wage rates for all employees, as there has been a significant focus by the Fair Work Ombudsman recently on wage compliance and underpayment liabilities. Employers should conduct an annual review of employee wages and salaries, to ensure they comply with the Award, to avoid the significant penalties that apply for non-compliance.
If you have any questions about this information in this article, please contact the team at enableHR.